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Monday, April 25, 2011

Tutorial XHTML 4#

XHTML Tutorial 19

There are two special tags for marking quoted text so that you can identify its author, origin, and language. Block-level quotes are generally indented by browsers. Inline quotes are supposed to be automatically enclosed in quotation marks but are not widely supported. This tutorial will teach you to make these kinds of quoted text.
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XHTML Tutorial 20

Although HTML and XHTML was first designed and used by scientists, it has yet to support mathematical and scientific notation with any degree of complexity. HTML and XHTML does give you two tags to help write simple equations. Together with the codes for special characters, the subscript and superscript tags go a long way toward creating equations. Find out how to use these tags in your web page.
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XHTML Tutorial 21

Another set of logical tags that you might find useful are the ones for marking text that has changed from one version to the next. Lawyers and bloggers do this all the time. This tutorial will guide you to mark changed text in your HTML and XHTML documents.
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XHTML Tutorial 22

Abbreviations and acronyms (an abbreviation that can be pronounced as a word) abound. Unfortunately, people use them so often that they sometimes forget that not everyone knows what they mean. You can use the abbr and acronym elements to add meaning to the abbreviation or acronym in question without breaking the flow of your Web page or distracting your readers with extra links. Find out how to use these tags in this chapter.
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XHTML Tutorial 23

If the Web were nothing but text, it would still be technologically impressive, but it wouldn't be nearly as much fun. Adding images to your pages is easy; adding images that make your Web pages look professional just takes a little know-how. This tutorial guides you to insert images in your web page.
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XHTML Tutorial 24

While images are great on a big screen with a fast connection, they can be less usefuland downright problematicon handhelds, phones, slow connections, or for the blind. You can add descriptive text (alternate text) that will appear if the image, for whatever reason, does not. Find out how to add alternate text in this tutorial.
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