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Monday, April 25, 2011

Tutorial XHTML 2#

XHTML Tutorial 07

HTML and XHTML provides for up to six levels of heading in your Web page for separating your page into manageable chunks. You can create headings with this tutorial.
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XHTML Tutorial 08

HTML and XHTML does not recognize the returns or other extra white space that you enter in your text editor. So... if you want to make a new paragraph, use a tag in this tutorial.
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XHTML Tutorial 09

You can give your HTML and XHTML elements either a unique name or one that identifies them as belonging to a particular class. You can then apply styles (CSS) to all elements with a given name. Find the guide of naming elements in this chapter.
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XHTML Tutorial 10

Breaking up your page into divisions allows you to apply styles to an entire chunk of your page at once. This is particularly useful for designing layouts with CSS. The tutorial covers this topics.
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XHTML Tutorial 11

While you can organize big chunks of your Web page into head and body sections, into divisions, or even with headers (H1, h2, etc.), you can name smaller chunks or spans of text or other inline elements in order to identify them and apply styles to them.
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XHTML Tutorial 12

While you can start a new paragraph with the p tag, you can also create manual line breaks anywhere you like. This tutorial will guide you to make line breaks.
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