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Monday, April 25, 2011

Tutorial XHTML

XHTML Tutorial 01

This first tutorial describes some differences between HTML and XHTML, including the advantages using XHTML. Why XHTML is better than HTML? You can find the answers in this tutorial.
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XHTML Tutorial 02

Basic structure of HTML or XHTML will be covered in this tutorial. The tutorial will guide you to declare the DOCTYPE, and initial tag for HTML and XHTML structure.
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XHTML Tutorial 03

The head section in HTML/XHTML structure is an essential thing. The head section is where you define the title of your page, include information about your page for search engines like Google, set the location of your page, add style sheets (CSS), and write scripts (Javascript). This chapter will teach you to make a head section.
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XHTML Tutorial 04
This web tutorial demonstrates how to make the body section in your web page. The body section of your XHTML document encloses the content of your Web page, that is, the part that your visitors will see, including the text and graphics.
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XHTML Tutorial 05

All text documents, XHTML files included, are saved with a character encoding. Since there are many encodings in use in the world, it's a good idea to declare which encoding your page was saved in right in the (X)HTML code. This makes it easier for browsers on systems with different default encodings to view the characters in your pages correctly. The tutorial will teach you to make the encoding.
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XHTML Tutorial 06

This tutorial will guide you to make a title of your web page. Each XHTML page must have a title element. A title should be short and descriptive. In most browsers, the title appears in the title bar of the window. Perhaps even more importantly, the title is used by search indexes like Yahoo and Google as well as in your visitors' browsers' history lists and bookmarks.
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